We offer 4 styles of private yoga at the bungalows: Gentle Hatha Flow, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga and Vinyasa Flow.
Gentle Hatha yoga is a system of health that includes three distinct yet coexisting practices.
Hatha Duration: 1 hour
Asanas (postures) are meant to bring comfort to the body and restore it to its innate healing capabilities.
Pranayam (breath/energy manipulation), to tone the nervous system and open stuck nadis (energy channels).
Dhyana (meditation), to bring clarity and a sense of peace to the mind. The resulting effect is a deep understanding of how the body, mind, and spirit are all connected, as well as a deeper understanding of how we are ALL connected.

A nice counterpoint to our busy lives, Restorative yoga or “conscious relaxation” is a practice which allows your mind and body a chance to rest, reset and recharge.
Restorative Duration: 1 hour
The poses require little to no effort while many are supported by props, first stimulating the body then restoring your entire being back to a more balanced functioning state. Meditation woven into the practice challenges the mind to let go, furthering a state of rest and relaxation.
The Yin practice offers you the opportunity to balance the active and external yang energy with the passive and internal yin energy.
Yin Duration: 1 hour
You will be guided through a series of floor-based poses (held 3-5 minutes) which targets the deeper connective tissue, including ligaments, joints and fascia. Using the support of props, active relaxation of muscles is encouraged, as you find your way into a gentle meditation. Perfect for the day that you want to sustain awesome energy or need to relax your busy mind.

Vinyasa calms the mind, cleanses the body, and opens the heart.
Vinyasa Duration: 1 hour
A series of asanas (poses) that are grouped together to create an active moving flow with special attention given to alignment and breath awareness.